Sunday, April 1, 2007

'The teenage years are the best years of one's life.'

To be more specific, the teenage years is the period of time from the age thirteen to nineteen. The teenage years are the best years of one life. I would beg to differ. In my opinion, going through the teenage years is like walking the path filled with roses. It may seem pretty but only the experience of walking among them will bring about the realisation of the many thorns that one has to pass through.

Teenagers are always preoccupied with the many things going on in their lives and the many decisions they have to make. For example, after PSLE one has to make a choice on where to go next and then again after O and A levels. It may seem that since everyone has to make that decision it is no big deal, but it does eventually affect one's future. Although a small group, there are some teens who have to work while studying to pay for fees or to support their family. Is it justice that at this age they have to take up the responsibility of studying and working side by side? Some may argue that teens are more independent and are supposed to be more wise and responsible. However at this point where they are experiencing hormonal changes and are more liable to emotional stress, it is still a job difficult to handle. As a result there are teens who resolve o crime, suicide or the increasing trend of 'emo'. This fad refers to teens wearing dark clothes, listening to gloomy music and writing depressing poetry. They consist of 'tortured souls' as they like to call themselves, some of whom have even attempted suicide. In Singapore, the main reason for teen suicide is friction with parents and breaking up with boyfriends or girlfriends. This brings me to the point that it is during these teenage years that one starts making serious friendships. Hence, it is probably right to say that problems in relationships cause a great impact in the teenagers' lives. I think that one would agree that although when we were children we had less privellages, we were also more carefree and had much less problems. Don't you just miss the chilhood days? How about the fact that teenagers are more concious of their looks than any other age group? This probably more true for girls, but dieting is common in teenagers and if serious can lead to illnesses.The concern about appearance is evident by the increase in advertising of slimming products. This may benefit some but only discourage those who need but cannot afford or are just too busy to do something about it.

No matter how hard the teenage years are, there is no doubt of the presence of an element of good in them. Teenagers have more freedom to express their feelings and develop their creativity. As mentioned before, they make proper friends and so in times of crisis get support from them and their family. I f only teenagers were more optimistic and confident about themselves, the teenage years would be more enjoyable. However, it is hard to look on th bright side of being a teenager when you are constantly reminded of the hardships of being one.

1 comment:

"Dream as if you'll live forever... said...

Good and fair argument.Points have been given to support both sides of the argument.The points are well-organized and have been written in such a way that they flow.Use of extra knowledge from newspapers to support ideas has helped to make the argument more interesting.Good use of language with few spelling mistakes.